Listeners reported greater levels of happiness and contentment and lower anxiety and sadness than the general population.
The Brain is Stimulated by Music
It has been shown that musical stimulation engages a wide variety of brain regions. Music, of course, stimulates the auditory cortex in the temporal lobes adjacent to your ears, but this is just the beginning. Emotional music not only stimulates the brain regions responsible for feeling emotions but also synchronizes the activity of these regions.
The Adage “Use it or Lose it”
All is well, so music engages almost the whole brain. In what ways is that crucial? What about the old adage, “If you don’t utilize it, you’ll lose it”? The brain, it seems, is just like that. By contrast, underutilized neural circuits and connections degrade with time.
Strengthen Neural Connections in the Brain
How, therefore, can music improve one’s state of mind, aid in the retention of information, spark thought processes, raise the standard of living, and make one feel good? Since music may stimulate so many different parts of the brain, it can assist maintain the health of several neural circuits and pathways, including those that contribute to learning, memory, emotional stability, and overall satisfaction with life.